Leadership training is an investment regardless of who you work with.
Groups that implement the concepts coached during a jonesLeadership session will see great dividends over time. Groups may also reduce the overall cost by combining with another local group or utilizing the virtual option.
In short: Yesterday and every day!
Organizational culture is not something that can be created through a single session.
However, working with Jeff is a great way to begin the conversation about:
• What leadership is (selfless service)
• Who can serve (anyone and everyone)
• When and where to start (where you are with what you've got!)Jeff prefers building long-term relationships with his clients. Working with groups on a regular basis allows him to organize a curriculum that best suits your organization's needs and helps to reinforce concepts on a regular basis.
Jeff will help jumpstart the conversation of what your group values and is always a phone call, text, or follow-up Zoom session away. Although he is rarely able to be in-person with a group more than once a year, he's available to coach you as you continue to grow the culture of your organization.
Virtual sessions are rigorous, dynamic, and engaging. We'll cover the same materials, still give your leaders a chance to learn and grow from one another, and provide ample opportunities to ask questions. Utilizing this option reduces travel costs and opens up Jeff's calendar considerably.
Every situation is different.
The size and maturity of the group will help guide you regarding who should attend. As a general rule, a group of 25 - 40 invested team members works well.
Still not sure who should come?
Contact Us and we’ll help guide you!
Generally, May thru July are prime booking months, but Jeff has pockets of time to work with groups throughout the year.
Book early! Jeff spends a considerable amount of his time coaching his full-time students and great dates for the following year will book early.
The Booking Form includes a Google Calendar to show available dates.
All your team will need is an open mind, a positive attitude, and a pencil.
Jeff will provide each participant with a booklet that plays an integral role in the session and will be a valuable reference resource long after the session is over.
Most of the time Jeff's schedule allows him to spend about four hours with a group.
Sessions are a high-energy, dynamic mixture of concepts, interactive experiences, group discussions, and personal reflection. Participants receive a comprehensive workbook that plays an integral role in the session and will be a valuable reference resource long after the session is over.
We began filming for Season 4 on March 6, 2020. Unfortunately, we only filmed one episode before COVID delayed season 4. Plans are in the works to resume soon and we cannot wait to share new episodes with you!
Can't wait that long?!?!
Make sure you've caught up on all of the first three seasons of Maestros in Minivans!
This will reduce the number of times Jeff hears:
This is a lot like asking a parent to discuss 'which one of your children is your favorite?' at a family reunion. :)
Every episode was really special and contains moments that were not only fun, but hugely impactful on Jeff's teaching. Having said that…Have you seen the 'Part 2' episodes with Profesor Jerry Junkin and Dr. Frank Ticheli?
We released those as two-part episodes before we figured out that no one ever goes back for the second part. You should check them out...LOTS of wonderful information to absorb there.
Jeff typically travels in the company plane or his white Tacoma pickup.
If it means that much to you, Jeff can "check with travel services" (aka beg his wife to let him borrow it) and see if it is available the next time you work together!